Powerful Search Process

Mailgaze’s search mode helps you to find Emails related to your competitors or business.

There are 7 distinctive options available, by Keywords, Advertisers, Domain, Text, Object, Celebrity, or Brand logo in image.


Locate Emails Quickly

Finding emails between a certain date
range seamlessly with MailGaze’s search mode.

Filter Emails like a pro

Uncover Emails by filtering them by countries, age, gender and collect the most relevant data for improving your Email campaigns.

Lander Properties

Lander Properties

Get in-depth insights about your competitor
Emails, winning strategies, what Ecommerce platform and tracking tool they are using to be successful.
Super Intuitive Dashboard

Super Intuitive Dashboard

Visualize, monitor Emails, and take control
of your Email campaigns from one single user
friendly dashboard.

Extensive Analytics

MailGaze is power-packed with in-depth analytical study
of  various factors such as daily social engagement and weekly keyword trends, along with the reach of every ad across genders, various age groups, and countries. 

Get a detailed view of the performance
metrics on one single page for a convenient overview. 

All you need is to click on any Email that interests
you and let mailGaze guide you through its performance.

Bookmark your favorite Emails

Simplify and speed up the
Email campaign process by bookmarking your favorite Emails.